The Fairfield County Common Pleas Court Community Control Department has the ongoing mission to enhance public safety through the reduction of recidivism, effect positive change in criminal offender behavior, and provide the Court with a viable sentencing alternative to incarceration.
We strive to accomplish the following:
Improve quality of life within Fairfield County through transformative practices, collaborative partnerships, community cooperation, and extraordinary customer service
Ensure that professional, efficient, quality, and pro-active service is provided to the citizenry of Fairfield County
Provide effective supervision to assist offenders achieve a productive life, lawfully contributing to the community
Improve quality of life within Fairfield County through transformative practices, collaborative partnerships, community cooperation, and extraordinary customer service
Ensure that professional, efficient, quality, and pro-active service is provided to the citizenry of Fairfield County
Provide effective supervision to assist offenders achieve a productive life, lawfully contributing to the community
The Community Control Officers will work for the community while keeping the best interests of the community in mind. This is accomplished by offering community control supervision, along with other special conditions, such as electronic monitoring, drug testing, mental health services, substance abuse counseling, and other rehabilitation methods, as mandated by the court.
I-NNOVATE we will always seek out the
most effective treatment and path for
our probationers
N-EOTERIC we will strive to be leaders on
the cutting edge of our field
S-UPPORTIVE this department will be a
foundation to the growth of non-
recidivistic behaviors
P-OSITIVE we will endeavor to be a
beacon of affirmation for those seeking a
better path and life
I-NTUITIVE we will instinctively use our
zeal and experience to guide those who
want progress
R-ESPECT We vow to treat persons of all
statuses with equal and abounding
E-NCOURAGING those persons seeking
progress and growth will be meet with
persons are accountable for their lives
and actions
U-NWAVERING this department is resolute
in its efforts to improve our community
C-REATIVE we will use all factors and goals
to seek out the best outcome for our
C-ONSTANT this department will be a
source of stability in our community and
the lives we touch
E-NERGETIC our passion for positive
change allows us to be tireless in our
S-INCERE this department’s visceral need
to be an agent of change requires all
actions to be heartfelt
S-YNERGISTIC we will strive to work
seamlessly with every agency that we
most effective treatment and path for
our probationers
N-EOTERIC we will strive to be leaders on
the cutting edge of our field
S-UPPORTIVE this department will be a
foundation to the growth of non-
recidivistic behaviors
P-OSITIVE we will endeavor to be a
beacon of affirmation for those seeking a
better path and life
I-NTUITIVE we will instinctively use our
zeal and experience to guide those who
want progress
R-ESPECT We vow to treat persons of all
statuses with equal and abounding
E-NCOURAGING those persons seeking
progress and growth will be meet with
persons are accountable for their lives
and actions
U-NWAVERING this department is resolute
in its efforts to improve our community
C-REATIVE we will use all factors and goals
to seek out the best outcome for our
C-ONSTANT this department will be a
source of stability in our community and
the lives we touch
E-NERGETIC our passion for positive
change allows us to be tireless in our
S-INCERE this department’s visceral need
to be an agent of change requires all
actions to be heartfelt
S-YNERGISTIC we will strive to work
seamlessly with every agency that we
The Adult Community Control Department of the Fairfield County Common Pleas Court employs 10 Community Control Officers who supervise over 1400 felony cases at any given time. The 6 Basic Supervision Officers each supervise a caseload of approximately 220 felony offenders. The 4 Intensive Supervision Officers each supervise about 120 felony offenders. Additionally, the Court’s Bond Officer supervises over 300 individuals on pretrial supervision with the assistance of a Pre-Sentence Investigator and a Pretrial Services Coordinator.
As referenced above, there are four divisions within the Adult Community Control Department:
The Adult Community Control Department of the Fairfield County Common Pleas Court employs 10 Community Control Officers who supervise over 1400 felony cases at any given time. The 6 Basic Supervision Officers each supervise a caseload of approximately 220 felony offenders. The 4 Intensive Supervision Officers each supervise about 120 felony offenders. Additionally, the Court’s Bond Officer supervises over 300 individuals on pretrial supervision with the assistance of a Pre-Sentence Investigator and a Pretrial Services Coordinator.
As referenced above, there are four divisions within the Adult Community Control Department:
Pretrial Services/Bond Monitoring
Pretrial Services, or Bond Monitoring, involves the supervision and monitoring of individuals who have been charged with a crime but not yet convicted, i.e., have been released on bond pending trial. This supervision typically requires the individual to report weekly, maintain total sobriety, and undergo random drug and alcohol testing.
Basic Supervision
The basic division has six Community Control Officers who supervise approximately 880 felony offenders. Basic supervision is reserved for offenders who are considered low risk and are in full compliance with all court orders, such as working a regular job, paying all court costs, and are maintaining healthy and lawful lifestyles.
Intensive Supervision
The Intensive Supervision Division supervises approximately 450 felony offenders who are subject to additional supervision requirements such as bi-weekly reporting, off-site counseling, community involvement, and 12 step meetings. Off-site or home visits are incorporated into this supervision on a regular basis. This type of supervision is reserved for the most difficult offenders who may have been convicted of a violent crime, who are at risk of being substance dependent, or who have demonstrated a reluctance to conform to regular or basic supervision.
Specialized Dockets
Recovery Court - Recovery Court, also known as Drug Court, has a caseload of approximately 30 felony offenders. Once assessed and admitted to the program, Recovery Court participants must engage in counseling, attend meetings, seek employment or a GED, and attend frequent review hearings before the Court. Participants are also subject to random drug and alcohol screens and house checks.
Intensive Probation Docket – The Intensive Probation Docket is reserved for offenders that are returning to the community from multiple incarcerations in the Ohio Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations and have displayed recidivistic behaviors. These offenders are closely supervised and have case plans in place to assist with the reintegration into a prosocial environment. The Intensive Probation Docket has a caseload of approximately 20 felony offenders.
Intensive Probation Docket – The Intensive Probation Docket is reserved for offenders that are returning to the community from multiple incarcerations in the Ohio Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations and have displayed recidivistic behaviors. These offenders are closely supervised and have case plans in place to assist with the reintegration into a prosocial environment. The Intensive Probation Docket has a caseload of approximately 20 felony offenders.

The Adult Community Control Department had established an internship program with two local colleges. Students are referred to the Court for a monitored practicum. The students learn all facets of the criminal justice system and particularly the operation of the Community Control Department. A contractual agreement is signed by the Director of Community Control and a representative of the college for each student applying for the internship. The interns do not receive monetary compensation for services rendered; however, the interns do receive college credit. The practical experience complements an intern’s course study. If you are interested in serving as an intern with the Department, please contact Director/Chief Probation Officer Angel Sanderson.