The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report provides Fairfield County citizens, investors, and other users with financial information in a format that enables them to gain a true understanding of the County's financial affairs. The 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report received an unmodified opinion from the Ohio Auditor of State and is expected to conform to the requirements of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program of the Government Finance Officers Association.  The County has received the Certificate of Achievement for the past 34 years (1989 - 2022).

You can download, view, and print the County's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2023.  The electronic version is identical to the printed version. The information in the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report has not been updated for developments subsequent to the date of the independent auditor's report.

Complete Fairfield County 2023 ACFR

Archive: (December 31st)


The popular report is designed to present a creative and readable financial report that is understandable by the average citizen.  We expect this report to conform to the requirements of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting program of the Government Finance Officers Association. Fairfield County was only one of 447 recipients in the United States given this award in 2023 (for the 2023 PAFR) for the 22nd consecutive year.

The popular report provides a brief analysis of the various sources of County revenues and shows how those dollars were spent. It presents the County's current and prior year financial position, summarizes debt activity, including a five-year trend analysis, gives an overview of local economic trends, and major goals and accomplishments'.

Complete Fairfield County 2023 PAFR

Archive: (December 31st)

If you have any questions regarding the content of the ACFR or PAFR or for previous years reports,
please contact Angela Horn, Finance Manager
Phone: 740-652-7041