No work shall be done or object placed within the right-of-way of a county road prior to obtaining a right-of-way permit from the Fairfield County Engineer.  Large rocks, personalized mailboxes, fences, and other such obstacles become liabilities in accidents resulting in injury or death.

The culvert pipe shall be a minimum of 16 gauge galvanized corrugated metal or double walled plastic (if approved in the permit process) pipe.  The pipe must be a minimum of 12 inches in diameter and 30 feet in length.  Appropriate bands shall be used to join the necessary sections of pipe to prevent displacement.

After the existing vegetation is removed from the roadside ditch, the culvert shall be underlaid with two inches of gravel and covered with sufficient gravel so that the completed installation will provide for drainage of water away from the existing county road pavement.

An approved permit is required before constructing a driveway onto a county road.  Driveways forcing vehicles to back out onto the public highway shall not be permitted.  Concrete placed within four (4) feet of the edge of pavement shall be at least 1/2" below the pavement surface, as measured down from a projection of the pavement surface cross slope of the road.

Drainage into the right-of-way ditch shall be by permit only.  Drainage of treated effluent shall be as a last resort only, and a permit application must be accompanied by a letter from the Fairfield County Health Department, stating that no other reasonable option is available.

It is recommended that there be no planting, other than grass, within 30 feet of the centerline of the road or within the road right-of-way.  (Plantings along the road can be affected by winter road treatments and can create sight distance problems.  Planters, rocks, or other objects more than 6 inches above ground may also constitute potential road hazards.)

Mailbox supports must be in accordance with the current ODOT design manual.  Supports for rural mailboxes must be of the "breakaway" type.  Standard supports are a 4-inch x 4-inch square timber post, a 4-1/2 inch round timber post, or a maximum 2-1/2-inch I.D. metal post of standard wall thickness (2-3/8" O.D.).  The front leading edge of the mailbox must be at least 2-feet from the traveled edge of the pavement.  At no time shall a mailbox post, support, or structure be anchored or encased in concrete.